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Eroge Download Game Screen Full Black Edges

itscinexbimomen 2021. 6. 11. 02:16
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A bishōjo game (Japanese: 美少女ゲームHepburn: bishōjo gēmu, lit. 'pretty girl game') or gal game (ギャルゲームgyaru gēmu, often shortened to 'galge'), is 'a type of Japanese video game centered on interactions with attractive girls'.[1] These games are a subgenre of dating sims targeted towards a heterosexual male audience.[2]

Play Visual Novels in Fullscreen without unsightly stretching/pixelation. The edges are cut off to keep the 4:3 aspect ratio in fullscreen.). The game goes on. Lately, I've been getting black border around my screen when I'm in a game. I can only fix it by playing the game in full resolution of my pc which is 1920x1080 but my pc is not a very good machine so I can't play everything in full hd with decent fps. StealthyGamingYT on QUICK FIX: Game starts with a black screen after the first time I run it - Cannot proceed! Try going into the folders of the game and removing the 'Movies' folder then create an empty older where you took it from and name it 'Movies' but keep it empty. Then exit and run the game again.

Bishōjo games are similar to Choose Your Own Adventure books in the way of narrative, in which the game tells a story but the player may make choices to change how the story flows.

Bishōjo games are a uniquely Japanese phenomenon.[not verified in body] While in the Western industries, those games can be considered visual novels, the Japanese market for bishōjo games have its own growth unrelated to the Western world.[clarification needed]

They form a sizeable fraction of the Japanese market: the most popular have sold over a million copies, and they make up the majority of offlinePC games in Japan.[not verified in body] Nevertheless, only a few titles of this sort have been translated or commercialized outside of East Asia.[not verified in body]

  • 1History
  • 2Characteristics
  • 4Influence in the West



Bishōjo games began to appear in Japan in the beginning days of personal computers. The first bishōjo game commercialized in Japan appeared in 1982 as Night Life by Koei. The first bishōjo games were not too popular,[3][4] being limited to graphics of 16 colors or less.[original research?] At the beginning of the genre, almost all the games were pornographic.

A notable landmark was Jast's Tenshitachi no gogo (1985), a precursor to the modern dating simulation. Among early bishōjoadventure games it had a degree of polish that previous games lacked. It was also the first to have recognizably modern anime-style artwork: its characters had very large eyes and a tiny nose and mouth but were otherwise basically normally proportioned, characteristics which today are found in virtually all bishōjo games. Prior to 1985, girls were generally drawn either as normally proportioned adults or super deformed children.

Some games involved elements of force and brutality. These came to national attention in Japan in 1986 with the release by dB-soft of 177, a game where the player takes the role of a rapist. (The game's title originates from the number of the Japanese law criminalizing rape.) 177 was not actually the first game designed around this premise, but it was unusually explicit. The game caused debate in the Japanese parliament and was eventually recalled and re-released with the most controversial scenes removed.


The industry gradually moved away from proprietary Japanese hardware to the burgeoning DOS platform, and then later in the decade to Windows. Throughout the nineties, bishōjo games underwent an evolution from being one of the most technologically demanding types of games (because their detailed 2D graphics required a large amount of storage space by the standards of early computers) to one of the least (they rarely use 3D graphics). Thus, more than regular games, the main employees required by bishōjo game companies today are not programmers, but artists and writers.

In the early nineties the atmosphere in Japan became more and more hostile towards bishōjo games. In 1989 serial killerTsutomu Miyazaki was arrested and was revealed to be a consumer of loliconmanga, causing widespread opposition to pornographic manga, otaku and anything similar. In November 1991 there was an incident where a middle-schooler shoplifted an adult bishōjo game Saori: the House of Beautiful Girls, resulting in increased police scrutiny for makers and retailers. Several prefectures began classifying games as obscene and pulling them off the shelves.

Faced with the threat of being forcibly censored out of existence by the government, in 1992 the bishōjo game industry formed the Computer Software Rinri Kikō (meaning 'Ethics Organization for Computer Software', and often abbreviated EOCS or Sofu-rin), setting industry guidelines for acceptable content and packaging. This organization tamed down the most objectionable content in the 'wild west' of the 1980s. Thus free from controversy and fueled by continuing improvement in technology, in the 1990s the bishōjo game industry underwent a decade-long boom.

The first major title of the 1990s was Tokimeki Memorial,released in 1994 by Konami who was on the verge of bankruptcy, the platonic dating sim becoming the first major bishōjo game since Koei's release of Night Life. In 1999, Kanon was released by Visual Arts/Key. While the title was another eroge title targeted at males for its sexual content, the players began to identify with the protagonist and the idea overcoming 'the emotional trials and tribulations of pure love.' A late PlayStation 2port removed the sexual content and sold better than the original, leading eventually to two anime adaptations.[5]

A turning point was ELF's Dōkyūsei (1992). Dōkyūsei, whose gameplay focused on meeting girls and seducing them, established the standard conventions of the dating simulation genre. Tokimeki Memorial, the first dating sim, featured good graphics, full voice acting, and a role-playing game-like gameplay system. To be accessible to a more mainstream audience, it contained no erotic elements, seeking instead to create a 'romantic' atmosphere. Sega's popular bishōjo game series Sakura Wars also first saw publication in 1996 for the Sega Saturn; like Tokimeki Memorial, it contained no erotic elements. However, it was unique in that it contained not only adventure-game elements but also a combat system borrowed from tactical combat games such as Tactics Ogre.

Since the late nineties, there has been a trend towards better storytelling in mainstream bishōjo games. Particularly notable in this respect are Leaf's To Heart (1997), and Key's Kanon (1999). Even though their gameplay involved little more than scrolling through text, they became hits largely due to the quality of their writing and characterization. Both were first released on the PC with erotic scenes, which were subsequently removed in their console ports.


The bishōjo gaming industry has resisted the transition into 3D graphics because of the blocky and distorted nature when viewed zoomed up close. In 2001 Tokimeki Memorial 3 became the first bishōjo game to break this trend. However, low sales make it likely that other companies will stick with the traditional 2D graphics.[6]

Today the industry has grown, with most publishers making releases for Windows, including download-only files. Some of the least pornographic and most successful also branching off into the console market. The main consoles used for bishōjo games in the nineties were the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast. More recently, the PlayStation 2 has been the console of choice with a growing number of games for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS handhelds. Games ported to consoles usually have adult content removed.


The industry of bishōjo games is closely related to the industry of anime and Japanese manga.[7] While many of the games are pornographic, the majority feature romantic situations with suggestive material.[8]

Some dōjinshi groups produce bishōjo games, many with the objective to later form a real company or to be contracted by one of the great companies in the industry. Due to the short programming time and the relatively small amount of content required in a bishōjo game, barriers to enter this industry is somewhat low, and is the reason why every year dozens of new companies emerge.

A substantial part of the revenue of the industry comes from merchandising. Fans are often dedicated to particular characters within their favorite games, and are willing to pay premium prices for goods like posters, figurines and accessories representing them. Several conventions also exist where articles oriented to bishōjo fans are sold, like the popular dōjinshi market Comiket in Tokyo, Japan.

Due to the representation of female characters in the majority of bishōjo games, a great majority of the market is male.[9] Nevertheless, from the year 2000, some developers began to expand their market, creating games directed to girls and presenting attractive young men in their cast (bishōnen). The most well-known and commercial of these titles is Konami's experiment Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side (2002). There have even appeared a small amount of erotic games that present man–man homosexual relations (yaoi games), which take their bases from the parallel subculture of yaoi anime and manga. Games targeted specifically at female players are not referred to as bishōjo games, but categorized under the broader genre of adventure or simulation by publishers, and commonly referred to as otome games or Boys' Love games by fans and reviewers.


A depiction of a visual novel-type bishōjo game

Bishōjo game elements can be present in practically any type of video game,[citation needed] and gameplay in bishōjo games varies within the genre. There are still some basic formulas that define the genre. The basic characteristics of bishōjo games resemble those of Choose Your Own Adventure books.[10][11] The basic appearance of bishōjo games in the West, as of 2005, consisted of an image in the upper portion, a text box in the lower portion and a static background that occasionally changes extending to the edge behind both of the other two areas. The background images are often reused for various scenes and text descriptors are used to help distinguish differences in the surrounding.[12][13] In most of the games, the player does not see their avatar and instead see the game from a first person perspective.[14] In addition, some games use various techniques, such as the screen shaking, flashing or going black, to give further immersion by demonstrating various conditions. The games' range of sound effects are also used to represent the avatar's eardrums.[15][16] The characters of these games are less realistic and often limited to only several static facial expression, gestures and occasional eye blinks, of which the former two coincide with the text displayed at the bottom of the scene and are constantly reused.[17][18]

The basic storylines for these games center around a male protagonist whom the player controls, who interacts with various characters, notably females.[19] Interaction occurs at several points where choices—seemingly trivial—are given to the player while life-altering choices are generally not. These choices eventually lead to various good or bad endings with (or without for some bad endings) one or more female characters.[20]

Beating these games does not mean just getting various good endings, but also in some cases bad endings, as the goal is to unlock all of the bonus content. This makes getting the same ending twice and not unlocking any new content the way to lose such games.[21] For example, Gals Panic is a variant of the classic game Qix where the objective is to uncover 75% or more of a picture of a girl. Money Idol Exchanger is a puzzle game comparable to the Magical Drop series (which is also categorized as a bishōjo game). In some cases, images of girls are used as prizes for skilled play, as is the case in stripMahjong. In other games, the bishōjo aspect can be integrated more tightly into the game: in most dating sims, the objective is to select the correct conversation lines while speaking with a female character to increase their 'love meter'. This type of game resembles role-playing or adventure games. Many are very linear and are essentially interactive romance novels for men (sometimes called visual novels).

Most bishōjo games remain 2D. The main reason is that bishōjo games are centered mainly on characters instead of landscapes, and for this intention, 2D bitmaps continue to look better than 3D models (which tend to be blocky when seen up close). The main advantage of 3D models in this context is smoother and more realistic animation, although this is usually discarded by the unpolished look of the 3D characters, in addition to the additional cost of production for this type of work. Tokimeki Memorial 3 (2001) was the first bishōjo game to have all its characters modeled in 3D, although the sales were smaller than hoped, perhaps discouraging other developers from the possibility of changing bishōjo games from 2D to 3D.[22] Many bishōjo games nowadays are essentially a slideshow of 2D pictures plus voice and text.[22]

Pornographic content[edit]

Explicit images are normally censored, showing mosaics or bars on the genital areas

While there are a number of bishōjo games entirely focused on hardcore pornography, many of the most popular titles, including all those available for home video consoles, do not contain pornographic material, and many others only contain a small amount in relation to the story as a whole.[citation needed] For example, the 18+ version of the popular game Kanon contains a total of five sex scenes and two other images of nudity within a branched story the size of a long novel.[citation needed]

The pornographic content of bishōjo games is regulated by the Ethics Organization of Computer Software (EOCS), the organization in charge of classifying the content of video games in the Japanese industry.[citation needed] Pornography is prohibited in all console titles, and computer games are assigned a special classification alerting the public of its content.[citation needed] Also, as in all legal Japanese pornography, the explicit images are normally censored, showing mosaics or bars on the genital areas in order to satisfy Japanese decency laws.[citation needed]

Pornographic bishōjo games are often catalogued as 'hentai games' in the West.[22] In Japan, they are usually called ero-games, or frequently eroge.

Representation of females[edit]

Nayuki Minase from Kanon pictured in her school uniform

The representation of girls in bishōjo games varies, but two generalizations can be made. First, most of the girls are portrayed as bishōjo, meaning beautiful, attractive or cute.[23]

Two particularly common settings exist: Japanese secondary schools and medieval-atmosphered, pseudo-European fantasy lands. In secondary education settings, characters wear idealized Japanese school uniforms; whereas fantasy setting outfits range from witch robes to princess dresses, and fantastic creatures like fairies and catgirls may be found as well. When the game takes place in some other setting, it tends to explore other fashion possibilities. For example, the game Pia Carrot is located in a restaurant, in which the girls wear elaborate waitress uniforms.

The female characters frequently act in an endearingly childlike fashion, which is described by the Japanese slang term moe, a characteristic that is often looked-for in bishōjo characters.[22] The reasons for this characteristic are not always merely sexual: sometimes it is used to present a pretty and affectionate character who is beloved and supported by the player. In fact, 'little sisters' are a recurring fixture of bishōjo games. A very popular game that emphasizes the characteristic of moe is Sister Princess, based on the premise of the player acquiring no fewer than twelve little sisters.

The majority of bishōjo games involve anime girls and not pictures of real-life girls. Since characters in bishōjo games are minors, the use of anime allows the studios of bishōjo games with adult content to avoid the penalty of Japanese child pornography laws, which prohibit the simulated representation of characters under 20 years of age. Even so, it is common to find the packages of these games stating that, the characters do not exceed 19 years old.

Representation of males[edit]

The main male character in bishōjo games is often rendered as someone the player can identify with, thus experiencing the story as he would live an episode of his own life. Often the game is viewed in a first person view of the main character.

Since bishōjo games focus on female characters and the player's interaction with them, male characters often receive less time on-screen and the character that represents the player rarely appears; when this happens, his face is usually hidden outside the screen or otherwise, and he might not even be voiced. Sometimes the only male appearance in sex scenes is reduced to a penis entering from the side of the screen, with no other visible parts.[22]


The genre is extremely popular in Japan. It was estimated as late as 2005 that bishōjo game sales totaled a quarter of all software produced in Japan. It is estimated that an average 50 new titles are released each month or about 500 annually.[24][25]

Bishōjo games for personal computers are usually sold in special stores or sections reserved for clients more than 18 years old. Nevertheless, console bishōjo games, which are generally less explicit, are sold next to other video games. At the present time, dozens of bishōjo games are released every month, and practically all the video game stores in Japan maintain a sizable stock of these. The games are initially relatively expensive compared to the Western market of videogames, fluctuating between 8,000 and 10,000 yen (approximately $75–95) each, although soon they can be bought more cheaply second-hand.

Influence in the West[edit]

The English localization of Princess Maker 2, which was never officially released

While bishōjo games are produced in Japan for console market, that is largely not the case in the West, where enthusiasm for the subgenre is lukewarm. What success these games have had has historically been dependent on the related industries of anime and manga.[26] The common visual novel format that make up the majority of translations has been criticized as boring and not actually games.[11]

In addition, the genre has been associated exclusively with poorly written eroge.[11] The popular discussion of bishōjo games is widely plagued by disagreement and disapproval of pornography. The debate tends to be remarkably divided: on one hand, critics condemn the genre as totally pornographic, while on the other hand, enthusiasts deny this generalization. This question does not cause as much controversy in Japan.

The attempts to massively trade bishōjo games in the West have caused a certain degree of public controversy. An example of this is the attempt to release the PC game Princess Maker 2 in the United States. Though it was never officially released, a few newspapers critically accused the game of sexism. Adding to the uproar was a pre-release screen-capture containing nudity. However, the game is not pornographic; there was some nudity which was already censored by American localizer SoftEgg, and the only way to see any real nudity is through an Easter egg cheat code. Princess Maker attracted negative attention due to the fact it was widely promoted as a mainstream video game, unlike other translated games which had been kept in adult-only channels as pornography.

The dōjinshiwebcomicMegatokyo, popular among Western followers of anime, especially in the United States, was inspired in a large extent by dating sims. Megatokyo idealizes bishōjo games while simultaneously expressing another criticism commonly used in the West against them: that players resort to them as a form of escapism because they are socially inept (This type of criticism is also found in Japan, though in a quite different form: see otaku).

While translations of bishōjo games in English remain a relatively niche market confined mostly to the adult genre, elements of the gameplay do exist in a lot of games. Story of Seasons, Persona 3, the Rune Factory series, and other games like them focus on the social interaction and the romancing of attractive anime girls. However, such games also offer much more social ties, even if the gameplay may favor social interaction with females.

Cultural transmission[edit]

Western players can use bishōjo games to help orient themselves to the Japanese culture through aspects of telepresence.[27] However, because bishōjo games rely heavily on iconic nature, their level of perceptual immersion is diminished in comparison to mediums like virtual reality. Instead, they rely on psychological immersion.[28] These games are constructed around popular culture and other social phenomena of Japan which then combined with immersion and telepresence allows a Western player to get a better idea of what it is like living in Japan. According to Mathew T. Jones of Temple University, Peter Payne, founder of Jast USA, says, 'You're reaching out and touching a little piece of Japan in the game – you really feel like you're experiencing love and life vicariously through the game characters'.[29] By using a first person avatar with Japanese identity, bishōjo games offer an unprecedented means of cultural immersion that, according to Jones, travel and live interpersonal communication cannot. This is done by taking on the Japanese identity that allows for an intimate perspective of the Japanese culture while maintaining the ability to make choices throughout the game.[30] In addition, some English translations offer liner notes or in-game text to explain certain Japanese idiosyncrasies.[31]

The knowledge can be broken into five main categories: language; cultural events; stories; media; and sexual culture. In the former, language, common Japanese words become a part of the player's vocabulary. In addition, games with Japanese voicing adds an additional level of understanding to the player about the language's structure. In addition, major culture events, such as Japanese holidays, are portrayed. The player also comes to understand what stories and legends are known in Japan, both traditional ones and Western ones, and how the latter are seen from a Japanese perspective. Manga titles popular in Japan are frequently referenced in these games and those likely playing the games read many of those manga referenced. Finally, Japanese sexual culture is referenced through the usage of various institutes like love hotels, lingerie pubs and erotic public baths.[32]

Related terms[edit]

There are a number of terms roughly equivalent to 'bishōjo game' in use, both in Japanese and English, and there is considerable disagreement and confusion about their proper use. There is no clear consensus on the precise meaning of many of the terms below. The naming difficulties reflect the fluid boundaries of the genre, as well as embarrassment caused by the pornographic nature of some of these games.

In general, 'anime game' can be considered the most general term, and other names designate subgenres. Here are the most common terms currently in use:

Bishōjo game, girl game, gal game
This term designates any game involving pretty anime girls. The Japanese word 'bishōjo' literally means 'pretty young girl'. 'Girl game' and 'gal game' are also used to describe these games.
Boy's love game, BL game
Girls' 'bishōnen' game where teenage boys and young adult males engage in homosexual relationships. Most such games are visual novels (see below). See also Yaoi game.
Otome game
A genre which literally means 'maiden game', they are games which are aimed at female players and feature mainly heterosexual relationships. They are sometimes called 'reverse harem' or GxB games because the genders of the protagonist and the romanceable characters are the opposite of bishōjo games. Otome games will occasionally contain lesbian romance as well.
Eroge, H game, Hentai game
These terms are used in English to designate anime games with explicit erotic or pornographic elements. 'H' is a letter used in Japanese to refer to sexual content, and 'erogē' is an abbreviation of 'erotic game'. 'Hentai', meaning 'pervert' in Japanese, is not used to describe these games in Japanese, but it is common in English. In Japan, eroge are almost always sold for the PC, because console manufacturers such as Sony and Nintendo generally refuse to license pornographic games for their systems.
Raising sim
This is a subgenre where the goal is to 'raise' a character, training and educating them to improve their (usually numerically quantified) attributes. This resembles role-playing games except that the goal is to improve another character rather than yourself, not unlike a digital pet. The classic example is Princess Maker, where the player's task is to raise a girl into a queen. Another is the N64 game Wonder Project J2 with an orphaned robot girl. Many hardcore eroge also start from this premise, in which case the character to be 'raised' is usually some kind of sexual slave. This subgenre is called chōkyō(調教, 'training'/'breaking' (animals)).
A variation of the raising sim genre involves the recruitment and training of pop idols in the guise of a music rhythm game. One popular series of this genre is The Idolmaster.
Romance game (恋愛ゲームren'ai gēmu)
This term describes games focusing on romantic interactions with anime girls. This term is generally used to describe games which have little or no pornography, or for which erotic content is not the main focus of the game. To describe hardcore pornographic games, eroge is preferred. The games are often 'love adventure games' (恋愛アドベンチャーゲームren'ai adobenchā gēmu, in short: 恋愛ADV/AVG), or 'love simulation games' (恋愛シミュレーションゲームren'ai shimyurēshon gēmu, in short: 恋愛SLG).
Dating sim
Strictly speaking, this term designates simulation games focused on dating, the most famous being Tokimeki Memorial. However, this term is frequently used by English speakers to describe any romance-driven game, regardless of game mechanics used.
Visual novel
This is used to designate a type of game which is particularly story-focused, or containing novel-like narration in its writing. Examples of visual novels include To Heart, Kana: Little Sister, and Clannad. In Japan such games are generally referred to as 'love adventure games' (恋愛ADV/AVG), whereas only such type of games with little to no interaction are called visual novel (ビジュアルノベルbijuaru noberu) (predominantly for adult games) or novel game (ノベルゲームnoberu gēmu, in short: NVL).

Also, many Japanese games which are not strictly bishōjo games contain elements of the genre. Many mainstream Japanese role-playing or fighting games feature attractive anime girls (such as Final Fantasy VII'sTifa Lockhart or many of the girls in the Dead or Alive video game series), but they are usually not considered bishōjo games unless this is a central aspect of the game.

See also[edit]


  1. ^(Jones 2005) 'the Japanese word bishoujo (or bishojo) translates to 'pretty girl' and bishoujo games have been defined as 'a type of Japanese video game centered around interactions with attractive anime-style girls' (TheFreeDictionary.com, n.d.).'
  2. ^(Taylor 2007) One can define a dating-sim game, in short, as a video or computer game that focuses on dating or romance and may contain erotic content. Several subgenres can be identified: bishōjo 美少女 games, in which a playable male character interacts with attractive anime-style girls;
  3. ^(Jones 2005) 'The advent of bishoujo games came about in 1982 with the Japanese release of Night Life, a PC adventure game. NEC's PC 88, PC98 and early DOS PCs were the platforms of choice for early bishoujo designers (Bishoujo Gaming News, n.d.). However, bishoujo gaming did not come to fruition until the late nineties when Widows 95 and CD-ROM technology were able to support vastly improved sound, imagery and storage capacity (Yukino, 2000).'
  4. ^(Pesimo 2007) 'In 1982, Koei Company released Danchi Tsuma no Yuwaku [Seduction of the Condominium Wife] for the PC8001 home computer. This game, a mixture of text-based erotic adventure and crude graphics owing to the computer's eight-color palette, was an instant hit. Koei became a major software company, and the bold new era of Bishojo games, or Galge [Gal games] had begun.'
  5. ^(Pesimo 2007) 'In 1994, Konami Company was about to close down when fans set up a fund to produce a platonic romantic simulation for the PC engine called Tokimeki Memorial. With no sex at all, it became the next best-selling Bishojo game and put Konami on the map. In 1999, an independent software development house Visual Art's/Key published an adult game called Kanon for the Windows PC. In the game, the player meets five girls in a snowy small town and experiences tragic love affairs with them. Naturally, Kanon was a sex game, which initially attracted male consumers. But like the readers of girls' comics, these men found themselves identifying with the protagonists over the emotional trials and tribulations of pure love. Kanon was then released for the PlayStation minus the explicit sex. It sold even better than the dirty PC version did.
  6. ^(Taylor 2007) 'Dating-sim games remain two dimensional, despite the vast majority ofother video games presently being rendered in rich three-dimensional graphics. One reason is the focus in dating-sim games on characters. Video games such as Rockstar Games' 'Grand Theft Auto' can be animated in three dimensions because most visuals are landscapes. Three-dimensional characters, however, tend to look blocky and distorted when seen up close. Konami's Tokimeki Memorial 3 ときめきメモリアル3 (2001) was the first bishōjo game to be animated in three dimensions, but its low sales likely discouraged other companies from following this lead. Thus bishōjo games remain a slideshow of two-dimensional images plus voice and text.11
  7. ^(Jones 2005) 'Bishoujo games bear a clear resemblance to comic art in this regard and have an especially strong relationship to manga (Japanese comics) due to closely related sets of stylistic conventions. It might even be said that some bishoujo games serve as an interactive extension of manga, permitting the player to assume the identity of a character similar to those he/she is already familiar with.'
  8. ^'Video: Bishoujo Games for the Summer'. GameLife. Wired. May 30, 2008. Retrieved June 5, 2010.
  9. ^Ty, Kanara. 'The Bishoujo Game Market: Not for Girl Gamers'. UCLA Asia Institute. Archived from the original on July 17, 2010. Retrieved May 26, 2010.
  10. ^(Jones 2005) 'Japanese bishoujo videogames take on the characteristics of highly detailed 'choose your own adventure' novels.'
  11. ^ abcLidor, Danit (June 7, 2004). 'Sim Sex Not So Stimulating'. Wired. Retrieved May 29, 2010.
  12. ^(Jones 2005) 'In terms of appearance, these games are unique in that many of them have three distinguishing features in common: (1) a large square box in the center of the screen for images, (2) a horizontally oriented rectangular box (located just below) for text, and (3) a background that encompasses both the image box and text box and extends to the edges of the screen (see Figure 1).'
  13. ^(Taylor 2007) 'Dating-sim games usually have no animation; the background remains static and changes only when the character moves to another location.9 Often, the same backgrounds are reused in different situations. For example, if the character is in a classroom when other students are around, the room appears empty so it can be reused for scenes in which the character is alone. In cases such as these, text-based descriptions of the surroundings, rather than the images on the screen, establish whether others are present. Clearly, dating-sim games require the player to use his (or her)10 imagination much more than do typical video games.'
  14. ^(Jones 2005) 'For the games included in this case study, it is relatively rare (although not unheard of) for the player to actually see his/her virtual representation. Instead, players are embodied in such a way that, although they inhabit a different identity, they see the game-world directly through the avatar's eyes, and, in this sense, the avatar's body is experienced first-hand as their own.'
  15. ^(Jones 2005) 'Demonstrating thorough understanding of this concept, some bishoujo game developers have used various techniques to impact the player's external retina so that a sense of actually being transported into the avatar is experienced. To illustrate, the screen will flash (Season of the Sakura, Three Sisters' Story) or shake (Nocturnal Illusion) if the avatar experiences an impact in the game. Similarly, a black screen is used to indicate covered eyes (Runaway City), sleep (Season of the Sakura), and unconsciousness (Little My Maid, Nocturnal Illusion)In terms of sound perception, perhaps speakers can be considered external eardrums. Pitch, timbre, range and directionality play an important role, not only in transporting the player to the world of the game, but immersing him/her in the world of the game.')
  16. ^{Taylor 2007} 'The main character, with whom the gamer is meant to identify, rarely appears on the screen.'
  17. ^(Jones 2005) 'There are several ways that the perceptual information provided by these bishoujo games is supplemented by psychological factors. For one thing, the bishoujo characters with whom the player interacts are less realistic representations than they are iconic signs. Furthermore, character movement is limited to the occasional eye blink, changing facial expression or gesture. These qualities indicate that the realism of bishoujo characters rely heavily on the player's ability to imagine them.Exaggerated postures and expressions speed recognition of character feelings and dispositions while the action described at the bottom of the page shapes the player's fluid conception of the character icon. In other words, the iconic image presented onscreen requires the player to mentally reconfigure the depiction in the service of imagining events as they occur and are described in the text at the bottom of the screen.'
  18. ^{Taylor 2007} 'Additionally, when the main character is interactingwith another person, that person appears in front of the background and remains still, merely alternating between poses (which, like the backgrounds, are static and frequently reused) to match what the conversation partner is saying.'
  19. ^{Taylor 2007) 'Bishōjo games share a basic structure and feel. The gamer plays a male character who interacts with various female characters as well as secondary characters such as family members, neighbors, and teachers.'
  20. ^'The interactive portions of the game arise through options presented to the gamer, which are typically binary, although options with three choices occasionally arise. These options occur sporadically and often involve seemingly trivial choices, such as whether to go to a movie or art museum. Any life-changing decisions in the game, such as whether the main character will donate a kidney, are often not decided by the game player. The game player takes advantage of options to manipulate the main character's actions to bring about his desired result.'These results come in the form of endings, of which dating-sim games have typically ten to twenty. Some are 'good endings,' in which the main character ends up with one (or more) of the female characters and lives happily with her, usually entailing marriage; others are 'bad endings,' which vary widely but may involve the death of a female character, one of the characters moving away, or the male and female characters living together unhappily. Usually, each female character has the potential to bring about both a good ending and a bad ending; the player must select the options carefully to get the one he wants.'
  21. ^(Taylor 2007) 'Intuitively, one would think that players would aim for good endings, but such is not always the case. The only way to 'beat' the game is to play it numerous times, experiencing all the endings. After playing through the game, players can go to the main menu and check their 'status,' which shows how much of the game is finished. To reach a status of 100 percent, signaling completion of the game, all endings must be reached. Essentially, the only way to 'lose' when playing a dating-sim game is not to get a bad ending but to get the same ending twice, since doing so prevents players from making any progress toward game completion. Thus, unlike most video games, dating-sim games are not particularly competitive; they have no final 'bosses' whom the players try to defeat. After getting through all the endings, extra scenes or characters may be unlocked, including, occasionally, 'harem endings,' which allow the main character to end up living with all the female characters.'
  22. ^ abcdeTaylor, Emily. Dating Simulation Games: Romance, Love, and Sex in Virtual Japan.
  23. ^(Takahashi 2004) 'The women in a girl game are usually young and slender with large eyes and a small nose; they have stereotypically attractive appearances.'
  24. ^(Jones 2005) 'As a product, Bishoujo games are extremely popular in Japan. Bishoujo Gaming News (n.d.) reports that, 'Over 25 percent of software in Japan are interactive adult games of some kind' (Japanese Dating-Sim Game Report). It has also been estimated that approximately fifty new bishoujo titles are released every month in Japan (Peach Princess, 2004). Many of these can be classified under more specific subgenre headings such as 'dating simulation' games, 'ren'ai' (romantic) games, 'hentai' (pornographic) games, and more.'
  25. ^(Pesimo 2007) 'The visuals of Bishojo games strengthened the links between Anime, Manga and the electronics culture of Akihabara ward. A new Otaku industry was created where a small crew consisting of an illustrator, a scriptwriter, and a programmer could churn out a product that could sell as many as 30,000 copies. With some 500 new Bishojo titles debuting annually, this genre is estimated to account for 25% of all software sales in Japan.'
  26. ^(Jones 2005) 'Eventually, bishoujo games were manufactured (in Japan) for game consoles such as Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast and Sony Playstation (TheFreeDictionary.com, n.d.; Yukino, 2000). Such popular enthusiasm has not been the case in the United States where bishoujo games are unavailable to consoles and the influx of games has been lukewarm even for the PC market. Despite this, however, companies such as JAST USA, Peach Princess, G-Collections and Himeya Soft have persevered in distributing these games to the West and, as a result, 2003 and 2004 were relatively prosperous years for bishoujo game translators and distributors in the United States. This success is in part do to the popularity and acceptance of other Japanese entertainment products such as anime and manga (TheFreeDictionary.com, n.d.).'
  27. ^(Jones 2005) 'The current case study seeks to present a series of 'classic' bishoujo video games and explain how they function to orient the Western player to the culture of modern Japan through the phenomenon of telepresence. Aspects of telepresence that include transportation and immersion are considered toward the end of offering the player a degree of access to some aspects of modern Japanese culture. It is suggested that, by experiencing a sense of telepresence through inhabiting a Japanese avatar, the non-Japanese player has the potential to obtain a heightened level of competence in negotiating Japanese culture.'
  28. ^(Jones 2005) 'The difficulty with applying a purely perceptual (as opposed to psychological) theory of immersion to bishoujo games is that their content tends to be highly iconic (see Figure 2) and the player is unlikely to have the sensation of being immersed in the game, at least as compared to other technology such as virtual reality. An alternative approach to understanding how these games immerse the user is psychological immersion.'
  29. ^'(Jones 2005) Because the construction of memory and experience can be construed as a profoundly social phenomenon, popular culture plays an important role in mediating perception. Especially relevant to this discussion is the experience of international and intercultural encounters. Fontaine (1993) reports participant experiences of telepresence (including 'realness' and 'vividness') in this context, demonstrating the potential to experience a sense of 'being there' across the gap of cultural difference. Further, Mantovani and Riva (1999) make special note of the impact culture has on presence experiences, explaining that '[s]peaking of mediation means speaking of culture, i.e., a network of instruments making up the everyday reality in which we live' (p. 541). This understanding of the relationship between culture and telepresence is exhibited in Peter Payne's description of bishoujo gaming: 'You're reaching out and touching a little piece of Japan in the game – you really feel like you're experiencing love and life vicariously through the game characters' (Bishoujo Gaming News, n.d.).'
  30. ^(Jones 2005 'By providing a protagonist/avatar with a Japanese identity through which the player is able to interact with a distinctly Japanese world, these bishoujo games offer access to a level of cultural knowledge that is unsurpassed by other media forms. This is attributable to bishoujo games' ability to transport and psychologically immerse the player, providing the potential for creating a sense of telepresence.'In a certain respect, these bishoujo games attempt to offer a level of cultural access and understanding that even travel and live interpersonal communication cannot: an intimate perspective on another culture. Stepping into a Japanese identity, but retaining the ability to make decisions permits a sense of belonging and identification that would be impossible in the flesh.')
  31. ^(Jones 2005) 'the small companies responsible for the majority of bishoujo translations in the United States and other Western countries actively pursue intercultural leaning as an objective. For example, JAST USA occasionally provides parenthetical notes that explain certain cultural differences to players. In one instance (in Season of the Sakura) the class stands up to greet the teacher. Beneath it is noted: '(Japanese students do this every day when the teacher enters the classroom.)'Other examples of intentional efforts to educate the Western player in Japanese culture are evidenced by the inclusion of 'linear notes' in the readme files of some games and optional membership to the J-List listserv. Linear notes explain in detail the cultural references and nuances found in the game, and the J-List listserv sends out periodic emails that offer interesting facts and news events related to Japan.'
  32. ^(Jones 2005) 'Beginning with language, common Japanese terms necessarily become part of the player's vocabulary. Words such as 'Oniichan' (big brother) are defined through the context of gameplay. An even more advanced understanding of language can be gained from games that make use of character voices. In such games, the Japanese speech presented in conjunction with translated subtitles in the dialog box serves as a tutorial for both vocabulary and pronunciation.Beyond language, elements of traditional and popular culture intermingle; giving the player what Peter Payne of JAST USA refers to as 'a snapshot' of Japan (Bishoujo Gaming News, n.d.). In one game in particular (Season of the Sakura), the player experiences one full year of Japanese secondary school where various holidays (such as Golden Week) and events (such as the Sakura Dance, White Day and the Christmas party) are played out.[...]'Another domain in which Japanese and Western traditions coexist within bishoujo games is in the realm of stories and legends. Often, to situate action within the game, common narratives are referenced to provide context. These narratives, however, are drawn from both Japanese and Western culture.[...]'Along these same lines, popular manga that have become increasingly available and in demand worldwide are frequently referenced in bishoujo games. This phenomenon provides non-Japanese players with a sense of expanded cultural understanding and commonality because those who play bishoujo are also particularly likely to read manga.[...]'A final category of cultural transmission and learning that should be mentioned with respect to these bishoujo games includes sexual culture. This should come as no surprise given the erotic content of many bishoujo games. Japanese establishments such as the 'soapland' (erotic public bath), the 'ran-pabu' (lingerie pub) and the 'love hotel' (specialized hotel facilities where people go to have sex) are just a few of the many examples of sexual culture that populate bishoujo games.'


  • Jones, Matthew T. (December 2005). 'The Impact of Telepresence on Cultural Transmission through Bishoujo Games'(PDF). PsychNology Journal. 3 (3): 292–311. ISSN1720-7525. Archived from the original(PDF) on 2012-06-20. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
  • Pesimo, Rudyard Contretas (2007). ''Asianizing' Animation in Asia: Digital Content Identity Construction Within the Animation Landscapes of Japan and Thailand'(PDF). Reflections on the Human Condition: Change, Conflict and Modernity - The Work of the 2004/2005 API Fellows. The Nippon Foundation. pp. 124–160.
  • Taylor, Emily (2007). 'Dating-Simulation Games: Leisure and Gaming of Japanese Youth Culture'(PDF). Southeast Review of Asian Studies. 29: 192–208.

Further reading[edit]

  • Kinsella, Sharon (Summer 1998). 'Otaku and the amateur manga movement'. Journal of Japanese Studies. Journal of Japanese Studies, Vol. 24, No. 2. 24 (2): 289–316. doi:10.2307/133236. JSTOR133236. Retrieved 2006-09-11.
  • Trzepacz, Tim. 'Gainax's premier computer game was set to come to the US. So what happened?'. Retrieved 2006-09-11.
  • Ronen, Oren (March 29, 2008). 'Otaku Immersion: The Depiction of the Protagonist in Visual Novels'(PDF). Cool Japan: Contemporary Japanese Popular Culture. Tel-Aviv University. Archived from the original(PDF) on July 23, 2011. Retrieved June 7, 2010.
  • Azuma, Hiroki (2009). Otaku: Japan's database animals. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN978-0-8166-5351-5. OCLC527737445.
  • Galbraith, Patrick W. (2011). 'Bishōjo Games: 'Techno-Intimacy' and the Virtually Human in Japan'. Game Studies. 11 (2). Retrieved 2019-01-09.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bishōjo_game&oldid=902847154'

Throughout the life of your Windows 10 device, you'll come across many problems, but none of them may be as annoying as the black screen because you won't get an error code or message giving you a hint of where to start troubleshooting.

On Windows 10, a black screen can happen for a number of reasons. It could be related to an issue with a recent graphics driver update or physical connection between the display and video adapter. Also, you may experience this behavior while upgrading to a new feature update or applying a new cumulative update. Or it can just happen out of the blue.

Whatever the reason it may be, there are several ways in which you can determine the cause and solve this problem whether you have access to the desktop or not.

In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through a series of instructions to troubleshoot and fix black screen problems on your computer.

How to fix black screen troubleshooting connection problems on Windows 10

When you come across a black screen, there could be a lot of reasons, including problems with hardware, software, or a combination of both. In the instructions outlined below, you'll find troubleshooting steps to help you resolve this issue.

Checking connection issues

If your device is experiencing a black screen before you can even sign into your account, then it could be a connection problem between the display and your computer.

In this situation, re-check the connection and make sure both ends of the signal cable are connected correctly, the monitor is receiving power, and it's using the correct input. (You can check your manufacturer support website for more specific details.)

If you have multiple video outputs, try to switch the connection to a different port. A lot of times a driver update could include changes that for unknown reasons can send the video signal to the wrong port (DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI, Thunderbolt, VGA).

Also, if you're working with a system that includes a discrete and integrated graphics card, you can switch to the integrated video processor to confirm whether the problem is with the discrete card.

Another troubleshooting step that you can try includes connecting the monitor to a different computer to see if you're dealing with a broken display.

Detecting display

In many cases, you'll see a black screen on your device, because Windows 10 lost its connection to the display. When this happens, you can use the Windows key + Ctrl + Shift + B keyboard shortcut, which restarts the video driver and refreshes the connection with the monitor.

On tablets (such as the Surface Pro or Surface Go), you can wake up the screen pressing the volume up and volume down buttons simultaneously three times.

Alternatively, you can use the Windows key + P keyboard shortcut to bring up the 'Project' menu, then hit the P key, and hit the Enter key to switch between the different display modes to see if the black screen disappears. Repeat the steps four times to allow cycling through all the settings.

Disconnecting non-essential devices

Peripherals connected to your device could be the reason of a black screen or a black screen with the spinning dots during startup.

If you're experiencing something similar, disconnect all the peripherals (such as printers, cameras, removable drives, Bluetooth, and other USB devices) from your computer.

Start your computer one more time, and if everything works normally, then you have a problem with one of your peripherals. You can find out which one is causing the problem by reconnecting one peripheral at a time until you stumble upon the one causing the conflict.

Once you know the device causing the issue, disconnect it, restart your computer, and then do a search online to see if there's a fix, or contact your device manufacturer for assistance.

How to fix black screen with desktop access on Windows 10

If you see a black screen after signing into your account, and you're still able to use the mouse pointer, then it could be a problem with the Windows Explorer experience.

To resolve Windows Explorer process issues, use these steps:

  1. Use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keyboard shortcut to open Task Manager.
  2. Click the More details button (if using the compact mode).
  3. Click the Processes tab.
  4. Right-click the Windows Explorer service, and select the Restart option.

After completing the steps, you should be able to access the desktop again.

Terminating and restarting explorer.exe

Alternatively, if the above steps didn't work, you can terminate and start the process again using these steps:

  1. Use the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keyboard shortcut to open Task Manager.
  2. Click the More details button (if using the compact mode).
  3. Right-click the Windows Explorer service, and select the End task option (if available).
  4. Click the File menu.
  5. Select the Run new task option.
  6. Type the following command and click the OK button.


Once you've completed the steps, you should be able to use your device normally.

How to fix black screen using safe mode on Windows 10

In the case that there's a software related issue, and you don't have access to the desktop, you will need to boot your computer in safe mode to troubleshoot and fix the black screen problem.

Accessing Advanced startup using three-fail boot method

To launch the Advanced startup settings, use these steps:

  1. Power on your computer.
  2. As soon as the Windows logo appears on your screen, press the power button to interrupt the boot sequence.

  3. Repeat steps No. 1 and 2 two more times.

After the third interruption, Windows 10 will open into the Advanced Startup environment, and then you can continue with the steps below to boot in safe mode.

Accessing Advanced startup using bootable media

Alternatively, you can use a USB installation media to get to the Advanced startup settings environment using these steps:

  1. Start your computer using a USB installation media.

    • Quick Tip: If your device isn't starting from the USB flash drive, you'll need to change your system's BIOS settings to make sure it can boot from USB. Usually, you can access the BIOS by powering up your device and pressing one of the functions, Delete, or ESC keys, but make sure to check your manufacturer's support website for more specific details.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Click the Repair your computer link in the bottom-right corner.

Once you've completed the steps, continue with the safe mode instructions.

Booting in safe mode

To boot Windows 10 in safe mode, use these steps:

  1. Click the Troubleshoot option.
  2. Click the Advanced options button.
  3. Click the Startup Settings option.

  4. Click the Restart button.

  5. While in the 'Startup Settings,' press the 5 or F5 key to select the Safe Mode with Networking option.

After your device is in safe mode, there are several troubleshooting steps that can help you to fix the black screen problem, such as reinstalling the graphics driver, removing buggy updates, changing system settings, and more (as shown below).

Perform clean boot

When your device starts normally, Windows 10 loads many services, drivers, and applications, which remain running in the background, if one or more them is causing issues, it's possible that you will come across a black screen.

Using a clean boot allows you to instruct Windows 10 to start only with a minimal set of services, drivers, and apps, which can help you to figure out if something running in the background is the cause of the screen going completely black.

A clean boot is similar to safe mode, but it allows you to re-enable one service or software at a time, which can help to pinpoint the problem more accurately.

To perform a clean boot, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for msconfig, click the System Configuration result to open the experience.
  3. Click the Services tab.
  4. Check the Hide all Microsoft services option.
  5. Click the Disable all button.

  6. Click the Apply button.
  7. Click the Startup tab.
  8. Click the Open Task Manager option.
  9. Click the Startup tab.
  10. Select each application, and click the Disable button in the bottom-right corner.

  11. Close Task Manager.
  12. Click the OK button in the 'System Configuration' experience.
  13. Restart your computer.

While this process won't fix the problem, it'll give you an idea of where to start looking to resolve the issue.

If after restarting your computer, you no longer see a black screen, you'll now know that there's a problem with a background process.

Troubleshooting black screen using clean boot

In this case, use these steps to re-enable the items (one-by-one), and restart your device to see which one is causing the black screen:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for msconfig, click the System Configuration result to open the experience.
  3. Click the Services tab.
  4. Check the Hide all Microsoft services option.
  5. Check one of the services.

  6. Click the Apply button.
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Restart your computer.

Once you've completed the steps, repeat the steps again for every item until you can determine the item that's causing the problem.

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If none of the services seem to be the issue, use these steps to re-enable startup items:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Task Manager.
  3. Click the Startup tab.
  4. Select an app, and click the Enable button in the bottom-right corner.

  5. Close Task Manager.
  6. Restart your computer.

After completing the steps, repeat the steps for every item until figuring out the app that's causing the black screen.

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If you want to revert the changes, you can use the same instructions outlined above, but on step No. 5, make sure to click the Enable all button, and on step No. 10, click the Enable button for each application that was previously enabled.

Reinstalling or rolling back graphics driver

Usually, a computer may experience a black screen due to a buggy or compatibility issue with a graphics driver, which might you have installed manually or through Windows Update.

Other times, the video driver update may not be the problem, but the one installed on your device may be corrupted, and as a result, you could be seeing a black screen.

To reinstall the graphics driver, while in safe mode, you can remove it and then allow Windows 10 to reinstall it automatically using these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Device Manager and click the top result to open the experience.
  3. Expand the Display Adapters branch.
  4. Right-click the video adapter and select the Uninstall device option.

    Quick Tip: Alternatively, you can also select the Delete the driver software for this device option to remove the driver from your device. Sometimes, this is recommended, but if Windows 10 can't find the driver online, you'll need to download the driver from your manufacturer support website manually.

  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Restart your computer.

Once your device restarts, Windows 10 should automatically reinstall the graphics driver, and hopefully, the black screen will disappear.

If you see a black screen after upgrading to a new version of Windows, you may need to download the compatible the latest driver from your device or graphics from your manufacturer's support website to resolve the issue.

Rolling back graphics driver

Alternatively, if you recently installed an update, it may be possible to rollback to the previous version using these steps:

To roll back a device driver to an earlier version on Windows 10, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Device Manager and click the top result to open the experience.
  3. Expand the Display Adapters branch.
  4. Right-click the graphics card, and select the Properties option.

  5. Click the Driver tab.
  6. Click the Roll Back Driver button.

  7. Select a reason why you're rolling back (select any option).

  8. Click the Yes button to confirm.
  9. Restart your computer.

After completing the steps, Windows 10 will uninstall the driver, and the previous driver will be restored.

If the Roll Back Driver button isn't available, then Windows 10 doesn't have any previous driver to roll back. If you know that an earlier driver was working without splashing a black screen, you may be able to find and download an older version of the driver from your manufacturer's support website, and use their instructions to install the controller.

Disabling Fast Startup

Sometimes a black screen will appear because the fast startup feature is enabled on your computer.

Fast startup is just a feature that allows Windows 10 to boot faster, but if it's causing problems, you can disable it with these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Control Panel and click the top result to open the experience.
  3. Click on System and Security.
  4. Click on Power options.
  5. Select the Choose what the power button does link on the left pane.

  6. Click the Change settings that are currently unavailable link.

  7. Clear the Turn on fast startup (recommended) option.

    Note: This feature isn't available on every installation, because it'll depend on your hardware configuration.

  8. Click the Save changes button.
  9. Restart your computer.

If fast startup was the problem, after restarting your device, you should no longer see a black screen.

Disabling high contrast

If you're using the high contrast feature, there's a chance that it may be the reason why you're getting a black screen.

To disable high contrast, while in safe mode, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Ease of Access.
  3. Click on High contrast.
  4. Turn off the high contrast toggle switch.

Once you complete the steps, restart your device to see if disabling the features addresses the black screen problem.

Stopping RunOnce process

RunOnce allows you to specify commands that Windows 10 can run one time and then delete, but it can also cause the screen to go black on your device.

To stop the RunOnce process, use these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Task Manager and click the top result to open the experience.
  3. Click the Processes tab.
  4. Select the RunOnce process and click the End task button (if applicable)
  5. Click the Services tab (if the process wasn't in the 'Processes' tab).
  6. Right-click the RunOnce item, and select the Stop button.
  7. Restart your computer.

If the RunOnce process was causing the problem, you should be able to start using your device normally.

Uninstalling updates

In recent times, there have been many cumulative updates rolling out with bugs and other compatibility issues.

If you've recently updated your system, and you're experiencing a black screen, then removing the update may resolve the issue.

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To remove a cumulative update, you won't be able to access the Update & Security settings, but you can still use Control Panel with these steps:

  1. Open Start.
  2. Search for Control Panel and click the top result to open the experience.
  3. Under the Programs items, click the Programs and Features option.
  4. Click the View installed updates option from the left pane.

  5. Select the most recent update.
  6. Click the Uninstall button.

  7. Restart your computer.

If these steps fix the issue, you can refer to this guide to temporarily block the update from installing again until a new patch releases.

Removing security software

Although security software is meant to keep your device and data safe, they can also cause problems like a black screen.

If you're using a third-party antivirus or another kind of security software, you can remove to determine whether the application is causing the problem.

To uninstall an application, while in safe mode, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Apps.
  3. Click on Apps & features.
  4. Under the 'Apps & features' section, select the security app.
  5. Click the Uninstall button.

  6. Continue with the on-screen directions to remove the app.
  7. Restart your computer.

If you no longer see a black screen on Windows 10, you can reinstall them again, but if the problem re-appears, remove it again, and check your software vendor's support website for an updated version or additional support.

Creating new account

A problem with your account could also be the reason that you're experiencing a black screen.

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To determine whether or not your account is causing problems, while in safe mode, you can create a new local account, and if it works, you should consider moving to the new account.

You can quickly create a new account in safe mode using these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
  3. Type the following command to create a new account and press Enter:

    net user tempuser /add

    In the command, make sure to change 'tempuser' for the name of the account you want to create.

  4. Type the following command to change the account type to 'Administrator' and press Enter:

    net localgroup administrators tempuser /add

  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Sign in with the new user account.

If your device is no longer experiencing a black screen, then the problem is something related to your old user account. Instead of spending valuable time troubleshooting the old account, you should refer to this guide to move your files, link your user profile with a Microsoft account, and delete the old account.

How to fix black screen using System Restore on Windows 10

Alternatively, you can also use the System Restore feature to undo system changes using a restore point potentially fixing the black screen problem. You won't lose your files, but depending on your current configuration, you may lose some settings, apps, and updates. However, this option will work only if you have previously enabled and configured the feature.

Accessing Advanced startup using three-fail boot method

When you see a black screen, you won't be able to use System Restore normally, as such you'll need to trigger the recovery environment manually using these steps:

  1. Power on your computer.
  2. As soon as the Windows logo appears on your screen, press the power button to interrupt the boot sequence.

  3. Repeat steps No. 1 and 2 two more times.

After the third interruption, Windows 10 will open into the Advanced Startup environment, and then you can continue with the steps below to use the System Restore.

Accessing Advanced startup using bootable media

Also, you can use a USB installation media to get to the Advanced startup settings environment using these steps:

  1. Start your computer using a USB installation media.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Click the Repair your computer link in the bottom-right corner.

Once you've completed the steps, continue with the System Restore instructions.

Undoing changes using System Restore

To restore your computer to an earlier time to fix the black screen problem, use these steps:

  1. Click the Advanced Startup option.
  2. Click the Troubleshoot option.
  3. Click the Advanced options button.
  4. Click the System Restore option.

  5. Click the Next button.

  6. Select the most recent known working restore point that you think will resolve the current problem.
  7. Click the Scan for affected programs button to determine the apps that will be affected after the restore point was created.
  8. Click the Close button.
  9. Click the Next button.
  10. Click the Finish button.

After completing the steps, System Restore will restore your computer to an earlier time removing system changes since the date of the restore point, which hopefully will resolve the black screen issue.

How to fix black screen rolling back to previous version of Windows 10

As a last resort, in the case that you're dealing with compatibility issues with a new version of Windows 10, you can rollback using these steps:

Accessing Advanced startup using three-fail boot method

If you see a black screen, you won't be able to use the recovery options using the Settings app, nor you'll be able to use safe mode, as such you'll need to trigger the recovery environment manually using these steps:

  1. Power on your computer.
  2. As soon as the Windows logo appears on your screen, press the power button to interrupt the boot sequence.

  3. Repeat steps No. 1 and 2 two more times.

After the third interruption, Windows 10 will open into the Advanced Startup environment, and then you can continue with the steps below to rollback.

Accessing Advanced startup using bootable media

Also, you can use a USB installation media to get to the Advanced startup settings environment using these steps:

  1. Start your computer using a USB installation media.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Click the Repair your computer link in the bottom-right corner.

Once you complete these steps, continue with the instructions below to go back to an earlier version of Windows 10.

Uninstall the latest version of Windows 10

While in the Advanced startup settings, use these steps to roll back to a previous version:

  1. Click the Troubleshoot option.
  2. Click the Advanced options button.
  3. Click the Uninstall Update option.

  4. Select the Uninstall latest feature update option.
  5. Sign-in with your credentials.
  6. Click the Uninstall feature update button.

If rolling back to a previous version resolves the problem, you can block the feature update from installing again using these steps. (Just remember that there's a time limit to delay an upgrade.)

How to fix black screen during installation of Windows 10

If the black screen appears during an installation of Windows 10, depending on the hardware and amount of data, it's likely that the setup is still working in the background. Usually, when this happens, it could take several hours, but the process will eventually complete.

In this scenario, the best course of action is to wait around three to six hours to give the setup a chance to complete whatever it may be doing.

If after several hours, the installation continues to be stuck, then you should try to power off your computer. You can force a shutdown by pressing and holding the power button between five to ten seconds or until the device shuts down. Then unplug the power cable.

In the case that you're using a laptop, it's also a good idea to remove the battery (if possible).

After powering off the computer, disconnect the non-essential peripherals, including removable storage, printer, game controller, network cable, and secondary monitor. If you can, also turn off your wireless and Bluetooth adapters. Only leave connected the essentials, such as a mouse, keyboard, and display.

Wait an entire minute, reconnect the battery and power cable, but do not reconnect any of the peripherals, and power on the device.

If it was a non-critical error, the installation should resume and complete successfully. Once you're on the Windows 10 desktop, remember to reconnect the peripherals.

In the case that it was a critical error, and the system rolls back to the previous version, then don't reconnect your peripherals, and manually install the Windows 10 update one more time. If you were trying to upgrade to Windows 10, you could try to upgrade one more time, but this time you can try using a bootable USB flash drive to install Windows 10.

Were you able to fix the black screen problem on your computer? Let us know in the comments below.

More Windows 10 resources

For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10, visit the following resources:

Mauro recommends all these affordable accessories

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Hi, I'm Mauro Huculak, Windows Central's help and how-to guru. I wrote the post you're reading now, and I know the Windows OS inside and out. But I'm also a bit of a hardware geek. These are some of the affordable gadgets on my desk today.

Logitech MX Master Wireless Mouse($72 at Amazon)

I know mice, and this is the one I use every day. The MX Master is a wireless high-precision mouse that's very comfortable to use and has many great features, including the ability to connect with multiple devices, an infinite scroll wheel, back and forward buttons, all of which you can customize.

Ktrio Extended Gaming Mouse Pad($12 at Amazon)

If you spend a lot of time typing, your palms and mouse will leave tracks on your desk. My solution was to start using gaming mouse pads, which are big enough for you to use the keyboard and the mouse comfortably. This is the one I use and recommend.

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Supernight LED light strip($20 at Amazon)

You could just use a regular light bulb in your office, but if you want to add some ambient lighting with different colors, an RGB LED strip is the way to go. This one is Mauro-approved.

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